Medical Pass - Done!





We haven't seen each other for a long time, but it's definitely time to write a bit here about what happened in the previous period. Despite the new virus - Covid-19 and its impact on us all, we managed much more than just to maintain our business.

Namely, the first project we worked on with partners from Austria - VDEL, has been completed successfully!

So on this occasion we are free to say something about this special mobile application.

The main mission of this project certainly was to enable the patient to store and manage documents securely and make them easily accessible to users and medical institutions, while maintaining full control over the documents.

MPass system has three roles:

  • Patient
  • Doctor
  • Institution manager

The patient role is reserved for mobile app users, which makes adding documents and sharing them with doctors and institutions much easier. On the other hand, medical institutions use this system through web-app interface, where they can both view documents and manage large number patients visit requests.

To register your account as a patient you should first go to App Store/Play Store, where you can download application for Android and IOS devices. After installation is finished, by clicking on Sign Up button you will be able to fill email address field and receive registration email, where after clicking on link which will lead you to registration confirmation page, when you get on that page you should enter your new password twice and after that, you are registered!

You can Log in with valid email and password, but you can also be Logged in by using bracelet ID and PIN.

Everything starts with the Patient Home page.

Patient Home page has two sections:

Simple view - Filter documents by visible document category Advanced view - Filter documents by date, institution, documents classifier and issue.

This allows the patient to filter the documents using this related information,

Patient can: upload documents, search documents by name, by doctor, can do quick search, filter documents by document classifier, by issue, by institution, by creation date, by visible category.

Also, by clicking on hamburger icon, next screen will appear

If we click on Medical Record option for example, Medical Record screen will appear.

The patients medical record consists of three sections: medications, allergies and patient diseases. Patient can manage these sections by adding, deleting and also updating names of issues, medications and allergies.

To make a long story short, this just was a quick preview of how application looks like, and how elegant and creative is the solution we made.

We have shown only a few screens and their aesthetics, as well as only a few of the many options we have implemented. Enough to tickle the imagination.

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